
published: 2014-07-07 23:24:46 (60713) Author: Carlos Gomez

The EFRA list for the IFMAR World Championship Messina

Here is the EFRA list for the IFMAR World Championship 1/8th IC Off Road at Messina.
Here is the EFRA list for the IFMAR World Championship 1/8th IC Off Road at Messina.

After dozens and dozens of mails, phone calls, messages, comments and talks finally here is the European List for the September IFMAR Worlds.

We did allocated initially 53 spots at the EFRA AGM past November 2013 and we did receive some minor additional requests during our standard grace adjustment period. Later on, the 1st of April 2014 we did sent the forms to all interested countries and to the ones willing to get a reallocation spot.

Unfortunately many of the countries did not respect the answer deadline for this event, while for most of the other events they did, a real surprise, and that forced me to duplicate efforts.

Then, I did send to IFMAR a request for 91 spots although our list at that moment was far under that figure (around 60 spots).

To distribute the spots I have followed the EFRA rules and some of our friendly section criteria:

The maximum number of drivers per country should be equal for the most interested countries: That number has been finally 10 drivers for this event.

All interested EFRA member countries receives at least 1 spot.

The IFMAR World Champion gets a direct spot (from the IFMAR reserved spots).

The Organizer Country receives 2 additional spots.

With such criteria we have been able to allocate the total number of drivers we did ask for and consequently you can find our list in the attached pdf file.

Good luck to all of them.