
published: 2011-10-04 19:37:41 (64069) Author: Willy Wuyts

Package 2 for next AGM

The invitation, and agenda's for the federations and manufacturers have been send out.
The invitations, voucher, and agendas for the November AGM are now available.

Slight correction on timetable (dates) and agenda 1/8 Ic track! (readability)
Agenda section 1/8 On road: version 2!
Agenda section 1/8 Off road:
Agenda section Electric general/all classes:
Agenda section 1/10 On road:
Agenda section Large scale:
Agenda General meeting:
Invitation AGM Manufacturers:
Invitation AGM Federations:
Voucher AGM:
Timetable AGM:
Applications for EC-GP