
published: 2011-09-08 22:53:15 (59007) Author: Dallas Mathiesen

In memory of Mr Ted Longshaw

The founder of IFMAR, Hon. Life President of EFRA & IFMAR and grandfather of organized Radio Controlled Car Racing Mr. Ted Longshaw sadly passed away during Tuesday afternoon the 6th of September.
The founder of IFMAR, Hon. Life President of EFRA & IFMAR and grandfather of organized Radio Controlled Car Racing Mr. Ted Longshaw sadly passed away during Tuesday afternoon the 6th of September.
During all years as a racer, IFMAR President and his honorary positions was Ted a well known and inspirational personality during events and meetings. His well known knowledge of our sport was much appreciated and he always was willing to share his experience.
His enthusiasm for RC Car racing was outstanding when he, in a miraculous way, managed sneak his way up on the rostrum in order to have the best view of the race
I was a great honor for me to know Ted for more than 25 years and I’m grateful for all his support and advise during these years and he will always have a special place in my heart.
Our greatest RC Car personality has passed away but he will still persist in our memories.
On behalf of EFRA, IFMAR and myself do I pass our condolences to his wife Linda, his family and close friends.
E Dallas Mathiesen
President, IFMAR & EFRA