
published: 2016-07-26 00:10:58 (49613) Author: Willy Wuyts

Package one for AGM 2016

The first package of information has been send out to the Federations and Associated members.

For the moment, it concerns only the applications for future races, proposals for changes in the rulebook, and a review our EFRA committee board positions.

The proposal tool for the Section Proposals, and General Matter, is now open on the EFRA webpage.

Our Treasurer has completed the transformation for the Proposal tool from the old webpage, to our new webpage. The Old webpage is no longer in use for this tool and will be dismantled further in the near future.
A mail has been send to all the federations regarding login and procedures for the proposal tool.

All related questions can be asked by mailing the Secretary.
EFRA Committee positions:
Information to read:
Events application:
Requirement for organising AGM 2017: